Saturday, December 11, 2010

"12 Days Of Christmas" Day 4- Tips/Tricks to Budget

Day 4: Tips/Tricks to a Budget Friendly holiday season

Let me start off by saying that famous line, "Practice what you preach".. So I am going to say these things with every bit of intention on doing them myself!

1. Use coupons USE coupons USE coupons!!! I have bought very few items this past year (including before Holiday shopping) without a coupon.. If a coupon is possible, I normally have it, rather it came in the mail, newspaper, via email, (I am signed up for emails to almost every store I shop at) found on a blog I follow, or goggled for "blank store promo code month year". I will admit, at times I feel cheap and if it's too stressful to use the coupon or it's a very little discount, I don't waste my time.. But if I could go back and add up for you how much I've saved you would be surprised, as I think I would be too!!

2. Make a list!!! Write down everyone you plan to get something for and ideally how much you should spend.. Oh and stick to the list!!!

3. Only buy what you can afford!

4. Don't be afraid to look for good deals, rather it be at a discounted type store or even the sale racks!

5. It's never too early to start purchasing things.. If you see something that just fits one of your loved ones to a T, buy it.. If a store closes and you can stock up on gifts, do it.. If an "end of season" sale happens at a favorite store and has great things you can't pass up, buy a variety of things for parties like white elephant, or a small gift exchange at work etc...

6. If your extended family is still buying for each individual person, suggest drawing names or playing some type of gift exchange game to where you only bring one gift and then maybe something little and special for your elderly family members.

7. Don't buy at Hobby Lobby or Garden Ridge till a week after Thanksgiving when they put everything 50% off!!!!

8. Please please please don't spend lots of $$$ on gift packaging... Most all my bags come from the dollar store, and not only the single bags but the ones with 2-3 gift bags per $1... They also have great gift box labels, sometimes you can get more for your money at Wal-Mart on those but still always keep the dollar store in mind!

9. Do something personal, write something.. make something.. do something with pictures..
"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

10. Stock up on Christmas decor, wrap, etc the day after Christmas and the weeks following.. Put it away with all your old goodies as they go back in the attic for another year :)

So there you have it.. Those are my top 10 money saving thoughts! What are yours?

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