Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Thankful Thursday #26

My last Thankful Thurs. was on July 29th (yes that was 11 Thursdays ago) and I explained how Thankful I was for my Girlfriends! If you would like to read back further on Thankful Thursdays please go to the left of my blog under "Labels" and click on the topic!

Thankful # 26: America's Freedom To Vote

Today's Thankful dates back to 20 years before I was even born when the Voting Rights Act was passed in 1965. I do not want to get into politics on my blog so I am just going to leave it at exactly what I said I was Thankful for stated above, nothing about which political party you belong to, who you are/want to vote for, and nothing about what you feel is right/wrong.

God Bless America

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