Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thankful Thursday #27

I have neglected my 'Thankful Thursdays' for far too long! I have SO much to be Thankful for and I'm a very appreciative person so this is one blog ritual that should not be neglected!

Thankful Thursday #26 was America's Freedom To Vote.. I guess I did this post related to voting elections coming up soon.

Thankful Thursday #27 seems it's right in line and only appropriate to be Thankful for at this moment but also something to always be Thankful for...

#27: Our Troops and Our Freedom- If you live in America and your any sort of a civilian, this needs no explanation...

I'm Proud To Be An American- Soldiers Tribute


Kelsey @ Seattle Smith's said...

Glad you're back with it!

Anonymous said...

hi jenn,
glad you are back on the blog.

always enjoy reading what is going on.

katie m's friend terry (from the wedding)


Blogs in need of Prayer

My Wedding Photographer